ERASMUS+ 2019 - 2022
Singing & Making Melody
in your heart
“Singing and Making Melody in your Heart” (SIMAME)
It is commonly known that, together with a high-quality education in new fields, mobility and collaboration between Europeans, especially within the educational and academic community, is the main purpose of Erasmus Programme aiming at the European Union integration. However, no one could approach anything beyond their own country and culture, if they had not previously begun with what significant exists in their local environment, let alone if their local history and monuments have ecumenical dimensions. Ιt is also equally important what could bring together different nations, ages, languages, religions etc. What else, Art could be the most successful interconnection bridge. Under this reasoning and according to objectives and priorities of the “Strategic Partnership” (Key Action 2), Music School of Kavala has been approved as Coordinator in a project based on the following double pillar: 1. on the Art, particularly on Music Art and Education. 2. on the common European cultural heritage. "Singing and making melody in your heart" is a 2-year schedule project participating five (5) Partners from five (5) different European countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece). The schedule consists of four (4) major Semesters, each of which has its distinct requirements and goals. During each Semester, teachers and students will have to conclude a specific programme (courses, workshops, educational programmes etc.), which is to be presented afterwards through a scientific conference and a festival. All programmes are addressed directly to the involved school's community, but also to the broader community through the mass media and social media.
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Oct 31, '2231/10/2022 | Nov 1, '2201/11/2022 | Nov 2, '2202/11/2022 | Nov 3, '2203/11/2022 | Nov 4, '2204/11/2022 | Nov 5, '2205/11/2022 | Nov 6, '2206/11/2022 |